Please contact Michael Gamble, Administrator, if you want to discuss a future Baptism via the contact details below.  


Baptism marks the beginning of a journey of belonging to Jesus Christ, the first step in response to God's love. It is the start of a journey of faith, which involves becoming a member of the local and worldwide Christian family.


God wants us to know his love and he invites each person to turn and to turn to him and to know how much he loves them

In Baptism (sometimes called a Christening), the candidate (or parents and godparents if the candidate is a child, too young to speak for his/her self) and the church community recall their faith in Jesus Christ and promise to help the candidate on his or her journey of faith, so that he or she may grow in knowledge of the love of God.
As a parent of a child being baptised, you are thanking God for the gift of your child's life and making a decision to start him or her on the journey of faith with the support of the Church.

To find out more about Baptisms click on and contact our Ministry Team or Benefice Administrator - we would be delighted to meet you.